"At Metropolitan, we believe that to lead, we must serve. We know from experience that serving makes those we serve and us stronger."- Ric Estrada, Metropolitan Family Services CEO
"It’s great when you can maximize performance and let people shine.”
W. Kirk James,
Metropolitan Family Services Board of Directors
The Mpowered Leadership Academy graduated its inaugural class of eight leaders at Metropolitan Calumet, based on a program curriculum developed by Kirk and Metropolitan Calumet Executive Director Audrena Spence.
Meet Kirk

“Kirk, you’ve led us by example in our quest to develop our leadership abilities and have passed down knowledge and skills that will stay with us throughout our professional journeys. Your contribution to our growth has been immeasurable and gratefully appreciated. Thank you.”
- Hillary Gimpel
Mpowered Leadership Academy participant
“I don’t want to remain on the sidelines any longer, but wish to be engaged in the community actively making a difference.”
Katy Malek,Metropolitan & Legal Aid Associate Board
Katy Malek, a member of the Metropolitan & Legal Aid Associate Board (M-LAB), joined the board looking for a “hyper-local” way to plug further into her community. MORE ON KATY & M-LABLEADERSHIP IN ACTION
» “We recently revised our charter and are excited about the new structure we have as an organization. We need more members to jump in with initiative to start our big ideas strong!” Katy drew on her experience working at West Monroe Partners, a consulting firm, to guide the recent rebranding of M-LAB.
» “Every single time someone ‘on the ground’ talks about their daily job, the passion shines through.” Hearing staff present on their work at board meetings, Katy says, encourages and energizes the board.
