Our supporters lead our organization’s efforts to empower lives. Every contribution to Metropolitan Family Services makes an impact for the individuals, families and communities we serve.
View our Campaign to Mpower Families supporters
Chicago Board of Education
Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
Chicago Department of Family and Support Services
Chicago Department of Planning and Development
Chicago Department of Public Health
Chicago Housing Authority
Chicago State University
City of Elmhurst
City of Evanston
City of Naperville
Cook County
Cook County Justice Advisory Council
DuPage County
DuPage County Health Department
Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205
Illinois Attorney General
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Illinois Community College Board
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Illinois Department on Aging
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Illinois Department of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity
Illinois Department of Human Services
Illinois State Board of Education
Niles Township
Northeastern Illinois Area Agency on Aging
Suburban Area Agency on Aging
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Labor
Village of Lincolnwood
$1,000,000 and above
The Chicago Community Trust
Chicago CRED
$100,000 to $999,999
Acclivus Inc.
Jane Addams Center for Social Policy
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Equal Justice Works
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund
Finnegan Family Foundation
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Michael Reese Health Trust
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Ounce of Prevention Fund
The Pritzker Organization, LLC.
Treasure House
United Way of Metro Chicago Impact Fund, a fund of the McCormick Foundation
Winston & Strawn LLP
YouthBuild USA, Inc.
$50,000 to $99,999
Bank of America
Bowman C. Lingle Trust
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Chicago Tribune Charities, a fund of the McCormick Foundation
Children’s Home & Aid Society
CME Group Foundation
The Crown Family
Crown Family Philanthropies Dunham Fund
Illinois Equal Justice Foundation
Julius Frankel Foundation
Marie Larson Trust
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Nathan and Emily S. Blum Fund
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
WGN Radio 720 Neediest Kids Fund, a fund of the McCormick Foundation
Sidley Austin Foundation
The Northern Trust
$25,000 to $49,999
Baker & McKenzie LLP
BMO Harris Bank
Community Memorial Foundation
Jenner & Block LLP
Lyon Family Foundation
Reade Industrial Fund
Richard & Martha Melman Foundation
Sidley Austin, LLP
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
The Chicago Bar Foundation
The Duchossois Family Foundation
ULTA Beauty
$10,000 to $24,999
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Alfred Bersted Foundation
The Guy A. and N. Kay Arboit
Charitable Trust
The Chicago Foundation for Women
Mayer Brown LLP
PNC Bank
Prince Charitable Trusts
Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila, LLP
John and Jeanne Rowe Family Crisis Support Fund
Siragusa Family Foundation
The Boeing Company
The Chicago Tribune
The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc.
The Northern Trust Charitable Trust
United Airlines
US Bank
Vedder Price P.C.
W.P. & H.B. White Foundation
We Raise Foundation
Wheaton Family Service League
Wiedner & McAuliffe, Ltd
William Blair & Company
$5,000 to $9,999
Ice Miller LLP
ISP Studios
Jay Johnson Charitable Trust
Jones Day
King & Spalding LLP
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
KS Energy Services, LLC
Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
Max Goldenberg Foundation
National Conference of State
Nicor Gas
Northwestern Memorial Foundation
Oberweis Asset Management
The Oberweis Funds
Paul Hastings LLP.
Proskauer Rose LLP
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Schiff Hardin LLP
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Stem Next Opportunity Fund
Stifel Nicolaus
The Pierce Family Charitable Foundation
The Skokie Community Foundation
Three Phase Line Construction
Woods Fund of Chicago
Zurich American Insurance Co.
$2,500 to $4,999
Axion RMS, Ltd.
Ball Horticultural Company
Exelon Foundaton
Intren, Inc.
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
McDermott Will & Emery
National Museum of Mexican Art
SENSUS a Xylem Brand
The Will Group
Vermeer Midwest
Village of Lincolnwood
Village Treasure House
$1,000 to $2,499
ABT Electronics
Addison School District 4
Bensenville Elementary School District 2
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Colman Family Philanthropic Fund
E.P. Doyle & Son, LLC
Fennell Electric, Inc.
Legat Architects
McShane Family Foundation
Network for Good
Nolan Family Charitable Fund
NorthShore University HealthSystem
Prairie Foundation
Roger and Susan Stone Family
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP
The Reichert Foundation
William and Mary Davis Foundation
$500 to $999
Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd LLP
Giving DuPage
Haben Funeral Home & Crematory
Hernandez Middle School
Joseph and Helen Komarek Foundation
Koi Fine Asian Cuisine & Lounge
Liberty Christian Center
Meetings International, Inc.
Navy Pier
North Palos School District 117
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation
Wilmette Auto Body Collision Center, Inc.
$250 to $499
The First United Methodist Church of Glen Ellyn
Market Strategies
Melton Law Firm LLC
Ferdinand W. Peck School
Vera Creative, Inc.
$100 to $249
103rd Forest Block Club
Asset Allocation & Management Company, LLC
Bar Louie
Barrington Transportation Co., Inc.
Community Unit School District #200
Continuum Behavioral Health
DeBenedictis Family Giving Fund
DuPage County Health Department
Ellyn’s Tap & Grill
Family Focus Inc.
Ferdinand W. Peck School
Givendeavors Inc.
HSC Plaza and Building Operations, LLC
Loyola University Chicago
Market Strategies
Melton Law Firm LLC
Monastery Hill Bindery
People’s Resource Center
Robert and Susan Star Foundation
St. Michael’s United Church of Christ
St. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church
Teen Parent Connection
The First United Methodist Church of Glen Ellyn
Warren’s Ale House LLC
Warrenville Public Library District
Western DuPage Special Recreation Association
World Relief
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
$50,000 and above
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keiser Donor Advised Fund
Martha and Richard Melman
Ms. Barbara Rapp
$25,000 to $49,999
Ms. Martha Delgado and Mr. Saumya Nandi
Janet and Craig Duchossois
Karen and Tom Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ashley Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Peterson
Ms. Deb Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West

"Businesses can only be as strong as the communities in which they do business. Giving back and volunteering where our customers live are part of Discover’s DNA. I support Metropolitan Family Services because they equip communities and families to excel. From building playgrounds that help domestic violence survivors heal, to providing a wealth of services that empower families, Metropolitan makes a difference I am proud to support."Roger Hochschild
CEO of Discover Financial Services,
Metropolitan Board Member

$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. Hubert L. Allen
Mrs. Erica Canzona
Merle Goldblatt Cohen
John and Emily Costigan
Mr. Timothy S. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Earle
Mrs. Rebecca Eisner and Mr. Craig Eisner
Mr. Wade Fetzer
Valerie and Michael Foradas
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gary and Virginia Gerst
Mr. C. Graham Gerst
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gilford
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Eleni Griesemer
Mrs. Nancy Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Susan Hunter
Mr. Robert C. Knuepfer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mabie
Mr. John L. MacCarthy
Brenda McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton H. Owen, Jr.
Mr. Steve Patton
Stanley M. and Virginia Johnson Pillman
John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe
Ms. Eileen Scudder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Skarr
Scott and Michelle Solberg
Donna, David, and Julia Tropp
Mrs. Lynn S. Turner
Michael and Lori Vardas
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms. Amanda Amert
Mr. and Mrs. Erik D. Barefield
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Bunge
Ms. Kristin Burke
Rob and Darden Carr
Mr. Robert Chicoine
Julia and Robert Cloud
Ms. Jennifer Comparoni and Mr. Matthew Bernstein
Robert and Carrie Gibson
Mr. David F. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Denis O. Hurley
Mr. W. Kirk James
Bruce, Jeanne, and A.J. Marcus
Leslie Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Molfese
Ms. Diana Palomar
Mr. Robert J. Regan and Ms. Cynthia S. Clark
Ms. Ellen A. Rudnick
Ms. Kathleen K. Rummel
Holly and Scott Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. D Gray and Kecia Steelman
Mr. Derrick Taylor
Reji Tharakan
Mr. Eric L. Thompson
Mr. Edward Vanscoit
Wade Bacon and Rebecca Weinstein-Bacon
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Arjun Ahluwalia
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin R. Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Mr. Rich Black
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bruns
Mr. Steven J. Cage
Chris Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Chestler
Linton J. Childs
Mr. Roger Clark
Carol A. Dimas
Mr. Gary M. Elden
Mr. Michael P. Emmert
Ricardo Estrada and Beatriz Ponce de Leon
Ms. Jody A. Gauthier
Ms. Kristine M. Givens
Mr. Brian Grimmel
Mr. Wallace W. Harris, Jr.
Ms. Kyle L. Harvey
Mr. Dylan Hradek
Mr. John Kett
Kelly Kettlewell
Mr. and Mrs. James and Maryellen C. Klang
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krulewitch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Lombard
Mr. Brian Maksa
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Marron
Aleck Matambo
Mr. John V. N. McClure
Greg and Karen Meyer
Mr. James A. Morsch and Mrs. Margaret Rice
Deborah and John Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Osgood
Marilyn A. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Marcie Peterson
Mrs. Carol C. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Provenzano
Ms. Samantha Reif
Mr. Michael P. Roche
Allen A. Rodriguez & Olinda L. Lemus and Family
Mr. Bryan P. Rozum
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Schiffman
Glyn and Marleen Skerrett
Mr. Paul Stephens
Mr. Douglas R. Stevens
Ms. Dusty Storm
Mr. David Strosnider
Mr. Terrence J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Vanier
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whiteside
Ms. Wendi Wilson and Mr. Jon Neidig
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. Scott Alford
Marilynn Alsdorf
Mrs. Patricia A. Alstrin
Mr. Daniel Arras
Ms. Kelly Ashline
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Beemer
Mr. Steve Bialer and Ms. Sharon Feigon
Mrs. Erica J. Borggren
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brosnan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Brown
Carol and Tom Butler
Mr. and Mrs. James Carter
Mr. Piyush and Geetaben Chaudhari
Ms. Julie Chavez
Mr. James T. Chesire
Ms. Sara H. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coman
Randy Cotten
Chris Cowger
John and Jan Cregier
Ms. Ann Cunniff
Mary and Van Cushing
Mr. Christopher Dabovich
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dalby
Mrs. Sharon R. D’Alessandro
Mrs. Tanya G. Davis and Mr. Stephen Davis
Mr. Thad Davis
Mr. Victor Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Eades
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Esko
Ms. Kelly A. Fetzer
Mr. Ralph Gonzalez
Ms. Kathryn Gramling
Ms. Natasha Granholm
Thomas Hafner
Ms. Lisa Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hassan
Mr. William D. Heinz
Ms. Jennifer Henrikson
Amy Hess
Stefanie Hest
Mr. Michael Hyde
Ms. Susan Ingraffia
Mrs. Patricia A. Johansen
Dr. Beth L. Johnson
Mr. Roger K. Johnson
Mrs. Ruth Johnson
Colleen and Jim Jones
Mr. Daniel J. Kach
Mr. Michael C. Kasdin
Mr. Miguel Keberlein
Mr. Ron Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. David Kerbow
Mr. Daniel G. Kozera
Ms. Sherry Krajelis
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Leffelman
Anne Leventry Jeffers
Diane and Alejandro Longoria
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mancini
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Marsh
Ms. Lisa Mason and Mr. Glenn McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Mazade
Mrs. Mary Ellen Mazza
Ms. Marilyn McCoy and Mr. Charles R. Thomas
Mr. Dan McGowan
Sandi and Mike Miller
Ying Murdoch
Ms. Katharine Nathan and Mr. Tom Adams
Rae and James Nevling
Mr. Brian Nigohosian and Mrs.
Patricia Curtin-Nigohosian
Theresa and Tom Nihill
Mrs. Cathy G. O’Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Omundson
Mr. Ed Perez
Mr. Paul Petricca
Mr. Jeffrey R. Platt
Dr. Hieu Ton-That and Mrs. Maricruz
Ponce de Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Potter
Ms. Rita M. Alliss Powers
Ms. Sandy Prioletti
Mr. John C. Raffetto
Mr. Daniel F. Rahill III
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Richards
Mr. Lewis Rosenbloom
Carine Roudil
Ms. Maria Salcedo
Mr. and Mrs. Mostafa Samsami-Mohajer
Mr. Nathaniel Schnader
Anne Schreiber
Mr. William Schumann
Mr. Timothy Senechalle
Mr. Chris Sheaffer
Michael and Meghan Shehorn
Mrs. Laurie F. Shults
Dan Shevrin and Carol Silverman
Mr. Michael J. Silverstein and Dr. Silvia Silverstein
Mr. Maurice Smith
Ms. Leslie M. Smith and Dr. Michael Uzer
Phil and Liz Smith
Mr. Jim Smulkowski
Mr. Nick Stenson
Mr. John P. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. John Storino
Amiee Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Toohey
Mrs. Dennise Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Vegosen
Kamiar Vossoughi
Matthew Walch and Sandra Muhlenbeck
Mr. Michael P. Walsh and Ms. Elizabeth R. Foster
Mr. Charles T. Wehland
The Honorable Bonnie M. Wheaton
Mrs. Carol White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilke
Ms. Leslie C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wolf
Ms. Debbie K. Wright
Ms. Anna Novoseletsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Omundson
Mrs. Christine Organ
Ms. Diana Palomar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mrs. Carol C. Platt
Mr. Jeffrey R. Platt
Ms. Rita M. Alliss Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Provenzano
Mr. Daniel F. Rahill III
Mr. Rajeev Rathi
Mr. Aaron Rice
Mr. Bernard Rocca
Mr. Lewis Rosenbloom
Mr. Bryan P. Rozum
Mrs. Cynthia Rynning
The Schulz Family Fund
Mr. William Schumann
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Senska
Mr. Michael J. Silverstein and Dr. Silvia Silverstein
Scott and Holly Simmons
Ms. Tara Simon
Mr. Patrick Skarr
Phil and Liz Smith
Mr. Jim Smulkowski
Ms. Elizabeth L. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stapleton
Bradley Sterner
Mr. Douglas R. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. John Storino
Mr. Roger L. Strong
Mr. David Strosnider
Mr. Terrence J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Toohey
Ms. Gail Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Vegosen
Matthew Walch and Sandra Muhlenbeck
The Honorable Bonnie M. Wheaton
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whiteside
Mrs. Margaret E. Wiermanski
Mr. Johnathan Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Williams
Mr. Peter Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yohanan
Ms. Linda Zager
$500 to $999
Mr. Haven and Mrs. Mackenzie Allen
Mr. Benjamin Bard
Greg Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block
Ms. Sue Burdett
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Caruso
Ammon Carver
Mrs. Castaldo
Mr. Mike Cetina
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cowsert
Mrs. Kelly Cusick-Dropchinski
Ingrid Debroubaix
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Deitch
Ariel Dela Cruz
Mr. Christopher J. Doherty and Ms.
Jeananne G. Digan
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting
Ms. Raquel L. Frankenreider
Mr. David S. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Frye
Ms. Pat Gannon
Ms. Sandy Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. John George
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gies
Mr. David P. Glatz
Mr. Alan Goldberg
Ms. Clare Golla
Mr. Victor Grimm and Ms. Kathleen Grady
Ms. Angele Granger
Ms. Amanda M. Graveline
Mr. Steve Grimes
Edward and Mary Kay Haben
Mr. Joseph M. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hirsch
Ms. Janet Hughes
Mr. David Hunt
Ms. Jennifer Inglis
Mr. and Mrs. Guy and Jean Johnson
Mrs. Carolyn Kaplan
Gerard and Eileen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Knezovich
Ms. Julie Knudson and Mr. Paul Nielson
Jennifer Knuepfer
Ms. Laura Kofoid and Mr. David Ricci
Mayura Kumar
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Larrick
Mr. Frederick W. Lauing
Marjorie H. Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lullo
Ms. Sharon Mamula
Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Manire
Ms. Diana Martinez
Mr. Francisco Martinez
Ms. Linda McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Melman
Ms. Dina R. Merrell
Stephen Mewborn
Mr. Dan Mohan
Mr. J. Clifford Moos
Mrs. Mary A. Murray-Martin
Mr. Thomas Nash
Ms. Jennifer T. Nijman
Mr. and Ms. Richard E. Nye
Mr. Daniel O’Brien
Mr. Brian Paladie
Dr. Robert W. Parsons
Mrs. A. Patel
Mr. Thomas D. Patrick
Jennifer Pelino
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Perkins
Mrs. Mary Perona and Mr. Dale Perona
Ms. Rebecca Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Peterson
Shallie Pittman Granger
Mr. Timothy R. Pyrcik
Paul and Robin Pyrcik
Michelle and Steven Ramirez
Mr. Norman L. Riley
Mr. Darryl Rodgers
Mr. Skip Rozum
Audrey H. and Leonard Rubin
Professor David S. Ruder
Mrs. Cynthia Rynning
Ms. Linda Scheiber
Ms. Diana Rich Segal
Mrs. Pam Sharar-Stoppel and Mr.
James Sharar-Stoppel
Andrew and Mary Lou Skalkos
Holly Snow
Ms. Elizabeth L. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stratis
Mr. Xavier Thompson
Andy Tietelman
Mr. Doug Walksler
Mr. Robert Wedding, CPA
Carolyn Sue Weeks
Mr. and Ms. Michael Werner
Mr. William T. White
Laurie and Ray Wienke
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wilson
Mr. Gary Wincek
Mr. Rob Yuhas
Ms. Andrea Zopp
$250 to $499
Gwen C. Adams
Mr. Tom Anderson
Ms. Leslie Anderson
Miss Blair Anstaett
Mr. Brian Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Lisa Barnes
Ms. Tianne Bataille
Ms. Jamie Berndt
Mrs. Judith Block
Mr. Charles Borkan
Ms. Debra Brambora
Mr. Vaughn D. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. John Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Cepeda
Ms. Karen Charvat
Mr. Richard C. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coffman
Mr. Robert O. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Dent
Mr. David Diehl
Mr. Scott Dillingham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dorsey
Sharon Dotson
Mr. Matthew Dvorak
Mr. Daniel Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finnegan
Mr. David Fleisner
Mr. Carl Fletcher Jr.
Rhona and Julian Frazin
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Frett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Friedman
Mr. Joe Galetto
Mr. Jeff Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Goldsher
Ms. Maria Carmen Gonzalez Djangi
Mr. Mark Greer
Teny O. Gross
Alaina Harkness
Dana Henderson
Ms. Jodi Herbold
Ms. Monica Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson
Tim Jarotkiewicz
Ms. Lisa Jennings
Richard L. Jones, Ph.D.
Hillary Kalman
Ryan Kantor
Janis Kanzler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kardatzke
Robert and Karol Karlblom
Mr. Ron Katt
Mr. Donald G. Kempf, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie Kennedy
Ms. Juliana Kerr
Corey and Lori Kilkelly
Mr. Blake Kirkman
Ms. Robin U. Knox
Ms. Elizabeth Kramer
Mr. Kyle Krueger
Mr. Christopher M. Kuhlman
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kurasiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kurczewski, Esq.
Mr. Paul Liebenson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lillegard
Mr. Roy A. Lindley
Mr. Mark Loftus
Dr. Kimberly Lohse
Imelda Lopez
Mr. Wick Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lytle
Bertha G. Magana
Kathryn Malek
Mrs. Debra M. Marton
Mr. Andrew M. Masse
Ms. Loren May
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McSherry
Aspasia and Jay Miller
Mr. Brad Minor
Mr. Scott Mitchell
Kyle Molidor
Mr. John S. Mortimer
Mr. Timothy Newbold and Ms. Lisa
Francine Ngo
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oberweis
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Brien
Mr. Carl Oko
Mr. James Ozog
Mr. Lou Petritz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn
Ms. Clare Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Hadley C. Pihl
Mr. William Poirier
Mr. John Roegner
Ms. Patti Rose
Mrs. Soni Rosley
Mrs. Sophia Ruffolo
Ms. Haviland E. Rummel
Enrique Salgado
Mr. Rob Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Samson
Terry Sanders
Mr. Michael H. Schilling
Mr. Michael D. Schnur and Ms. Janice
J. Liten
Amy Schuber
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Schuchardt
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Senska
Mr. Bhush Shah
Golnar Sheikholeslami
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shields
Terri Smith Ashford
Mr. Erik Snapp
Ms. Audrena Spence
Mr. Dan Spira
Mr. Mark Stauber
Ms. Lisa S. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. John Stitzell
Mr. Neal Sutton
Julie Swart
Ms. Grace M. Tampa
Cynthia Thomas
Mr. Mitchell B. Thornton
Mr. Ken Travis
Mr. Matthew Troyer
Moira Tuffy
Mr. John Tulloch
Mrs. Joyce E. Ursin
Mr. Lane W. Vanderslice
Mr. Mike VanGilder
Ms. Jan Vitello
Ms. Debra Walker
Mr. Spencer Waller
Mr. Charles B. Wartman and Ms.
Gloria Jasso
Dr. John Weitzner
Mr. Christopher Wilmes
Ms. Carrie Wrona
Ms. Linda Zager
$100 to $249
Mr. Paul Adam
Ms. Amy Adams
Margie Aguilar
Karen and Jay Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Allen
Mr. Allan L. Alson and Ms. Sue Ann
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Andersen
Mr. Doug Anderson
Ida and Thomas Anger
Mr. Orville Ankarlo
Anonymous UW Northern Trust
Ms. Emilia Arellano
April Arnold
Ms. Janet Avila
Mr. Kenneth Bakari
Ms. Caroline Barba
Kin Bariso
Mr. Mark Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Bensinger
Patricia A. Berman
Debbie L. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Birkett
Mrs. Lisa Black-Gomez
Mrs. Marilyn W. Blew
Janet E. Blue
Ms. Vivian Bogdonoff
Bob and Kathy Braasch
Mrs. Nancy Brackmann
Ms. Karen L. Brethauer
Ms. Ellen Brisske
Mr. Justin Brown
Mr. Osvaldo Caballero
Maria Cabral
Mr. Wesley Caproon
Mary Carignan
Ruth Carlson
Ms. Josette Carmona
Mr. DeWayne Cassel
Mary Cassidy
Mr. Mark Chalmers
Sally Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chor
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coffey III
Mr. Gerald Colonna, Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Crowley
Timothy K. Curran
The Honorable Barbara Flynn Currie

"Empowering children and their families is one of the most compelling ways to impact society. I have supported Metropolitan for more than 20 years because of the excellence it brings to early learning, parent education, and the spectrum of supports families need to be strong and self-sustaining. I believe in Metropolitan because of its proven commitment to families."
Kecia Steelman,
Chief Store Operations Officer, Ulta Beauty
Metropolitan Family Services Board Member

Mr. Max D’Aguanno
Caroline Decker
Ms. Allison Delgado
Mrs. Lauren DeSimone
Mr. John C. Dick
Ms. Kelley Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Duchossois
Mr. Michael DuVall
Jacob Dvoracek
Mrs. Jill Edelblute
Mr. Jeffrey Eisenstein
Mr. David P. Eller
Ms. Judy Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Elver
Mr. Adam Engle and Ms. Ellen
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Estrada, Jr.
Stephanie Farrelly
Zoilo Favela
Mr. John Filosa and Ms. Cathaleen
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Flanigan
Mr. Kyle L. Flynn
Ms. Alexandra Foradas
Ms. Miranda Franco
Ms. Lisa Freund
Amy Fujiwara
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fussner
Ms. Beth Gallagher
Mrs. Alisha Garcia-Flores
Caroline Green
Mrs. Leticia Guitron
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Guzman
Mr. David Haas
Mary Haley
Ms. Beverly Hamilton-Robinson
Ms. Donna Haney
Ms. LaToya Hankerson
Mrs. Nadine Harris-Clark
Mr. Lavaughn Haynes
Ms. Margie Heidner
Chris Hensley
Miss Ruth J. Hess
Mr. Robert Hesterman
Mrs. Cathleen Hobson
Ms. Lisa Horne
Mrs. Emily Huebener
Mr. Joseph M. Ivcevich
Ruaa Jaber
Mr. Nare Jagroop
Mr. Monty Jahns
Diana Jenkins
Bill and Susan Jennrich
Mr. Christopher E. Johnson
Ms. Carol B. Johnson
Mr. Eric Kamenjarin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kammes
Ms. Sheelah Katz
Arlene B. Kendorski
Dr. Christopher B. Keys and Dr.
Elizabeth J. Keys
Ms. Laurie Klapacz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klier
Ms. Diane Krieman
Ms. Kathleen L. Krucina
Ms. Karen Kuhn
Mr. Chaka Kureva
Mr. John Langton
Ms. April L. Langworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Laskaris
Liza Lathouris
Mr. Robert Laudadio
Dr. Eric Laxer
Mr. Jack Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter LeRoy
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Lewis
Mr. Andreas M. Liewald
Ms. and Mr. Janet Lindley
Mr. Pat Loftus
Mr. Wally Lorentsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Lyman, Jr.
Krishna Lynch
Ms. Allison Macfarlane
Mr. Don J. MacGregor
Ms. Michele Magner and Mr. Allan
Shannon Mangiameli
Madeleine Marbach
Mr. Paul C. Marengo and Ms. Joan
Ms. Ellen Martin
Mr. John M. McCleary
Mr. Mark McCleary
Jennifer McGann
Ms. Susan McGhee
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGowan
Ms. Elinor G. McMaster
Ms. Sheila Merry
Charlene Miller
Mr. Frank Molinaro
Ms. Eileen Moll
Mr. Jim Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nahumyk
Ms. Seema Nath
Mr. Emmanuel Nazon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Neumann
Mrs. Judy Newton
Mr. Eugene O’Donnell
Mrs. Sarah Ogeto
Ms. Janie Oldfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olsen
Susan and Edward Oppenheimer
Clare L. O’Shea
Ms. Haley H. Overbeek
Mr. Alejandro Perez
Ms. Erin Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peterson
Ms. Tanya Pietrkowski
Mr. Steve Plotkin and Mrs. Helene
Zimmerman Plotkin
Ms. Christy Poli
Mr. Edward Pont
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter
Mrs. Melissa Potdar
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Proudfoot
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Pundmann
Ms. Marianne Quinn and Mr. Joel A.
Mr. James Randall
Mr. and Mrs. David Rendall
Seth Rich
Dr. Nancy Rolock and Dr. Josh Rolock
Richard Romanoff
Mrs. Elizabeth Rompf-Bruen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Root
Mrs. Natalie Rorem
Susan and Robert Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Warner A. Rosenthal
Mr. Dennis Rossow
Mr. William Roth
Mr. Scott Rusch
Julie E. Ryan
Ms. Lori Schleicher
Frank and Karen Schneider
Ms. Allesandra Schroeder
Mr. Steve Schuster
Ms. Vanessa Schwartz
Ms. Laurie Sedio
Ms. Laurine V. Shadowen
Ms. Alfreda Shapere
Mr. Mark Shydlowski
Mrs. Deborah Simental
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sinnott
Ms. Patricia Skaja
Robert and Julie Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Sparrow
Ms. Vanessa Stang
Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Stone
Kelly Sturges
Mr. Gabriel Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Ubaldo Suarez del Real
Mr. Michael Synowiecki
Ms. Jennifer Szarzynski
Mrs. Donna Taylor
Mrs. Tanya Terry-Cobbin
Mr. Josh Thielen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Tinaglia
Mr. Peter Van Nortwick
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Van Overbeek
John W. Varland, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Velazquez
Mr. Michael Von Bodman
Mr. Peter Waldman
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Waldorf
Ms. Alexandra Wallace
Marsie Wallach
Ms. Stephanie Wang
Mr. Joseph M. Weil
Mr. Scott Weil
Eileen Werth
Ms. Theresa A. Whalen
Mr. Bill Wheaton
Erin White
Mr. and Mrs. James White
Mr. David L. Williams
Ms. Paula Willuweit
Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. George Wundsam
Chris Wykle
Mrs. Lisa B. Yondorf
Nada Zepsa
Mark Zivin and Margie Zivin
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Goldman Sachs
The Boston Consulting Group
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Aon Foundation
Amy Fujiwara
Polk Bros. Foundation
Honeywell International Corporation
Arjun Ahluwalia
Jennifer Alexander
Whitney Allen
Stephanie Bensinger
Chris A. Bowers
Sonja Brisard
Rita Lopez Brosnan
Vaughn Bryant
Elena Calafell
Sharon Caldwell
Carol Stream Education Association
Jennifer Comparoni
Elly and Josh
Ricardo Estrada
Michael P. Foradas
Carla Frisch
Dwayne Frazier
Steve and Dina Gonzalez
Robert N. Grant
Joseph Imburgia
Roger K. Johnson
Ashley Joyce
Irene Lange Kwiatek
Abigail Lopez
John L. MacCarthy
Michael Mazza
Mark McKelvey
Kate and RJ Melman
Martha W. Melman
Metropolitan Family Services
Alison Moran
Andrew Nordstrom
Northern Trust
Patrick Otlewski
Kelly D. Reid
Bernard Rocca
Nancy Rodriguez
Barbara A. Stone
Peter Tulloch
Michael A. Vardas
Wheaton College
Michael Wolf and Michelle Brewer
Isaac Azar, M.D.
Jan Budziszewski
Melanie Gail Clippard
Don Devitt
Donald Devitt
Georgia Gibson
Mrs. Frances Gray
Ronald Hible
Philip Raship
Chester Sowinski
In memory of all those we lost in Chicago to senseless gun violence
ABC 7 Chicago
Adelles Fine American Fare
AG Hair
Bill Armonda
Ball Horticultural Company
Mr. and Mrs. Boffa
Bottle & Bottega Glen Ellyn
Breakthru Beverage Group
Broadway In Chicago
Brook’s Kitchen & Tap
Mr. and Mrs. James Burdett
Calibre Press
Cantigny Golf
Capital Genealogy
Casey’s Food
Ms. Clarissa Cerda
Chicago Blackhawks
Chicago Botanic Garden
Cubs Care, a fund of the McCormick
Chicago Cut Steakhouse
Chicago Zoological Society
Circo Hermanos Vazquez
Clarice’s Creating Beautiful Looks
Ms. Sara H. Clark
College of DuPage
Lydia Colunga
Costco Wholesale
Crist | Kolder Associates, LLC
Mrs. Sharon R. D’Alessandro
Mr. John C. Dick
Discover Financial Services
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Drury Lane Theatre
Edward Jones
Egg Harbor
C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Esko
Ricardo Estrada and Beatriz
Ponce de Leon
Fire + Wine
First Midwest Bank
Fuller House
Ms. Jody A. Gauthier
Ginsberg Jacobs LLC.
Giordano’s of Downtown Naperville
Glen Ellyn Family Service League
Gourmet Express
Graham’s Fine Chocolates & Ice
Granite City Food & Brewery
Mr. Mark Guzzino
Hand & Stone Massage and Facial
Litzi Hartley
Kelly Hincks-Hilley
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson
Ice Miller LLP
Imagination Publishing
J.P.C. Tree Care LLC
Ashley and Michael Joyce
Mrs. Maryellen T. Klang
Kovak Cosmetic Center
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, Inc.
Anne Leventry Jeffers
Rita Lopez Brosnan
LTD Commodities, LLC
Lynfred Winery
Mr. and Mrs. John Maffei
Sylvia Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mancini
Marcel’s Culinary, Inc.
Marinella Ristorante Italiano
Marquardt School District 15
Mary A. Lynch & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Glenn M. Mazade
Mr. Dan McGowan
MM Frame Co.
The Morton Arboretum
Naperville Running Co.
Rae and James Nevling
Norabella Boutique
O’Connor, McGuinness, Conte, Doyle,
Oleson, Watson & Loftus
Olive’n Vinnie’s Oil and Balsamic Bar
Pat Mooney Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Marcie
Pierce Tavern
Mr. Jeffrey R. Platt
Jillian Poteshman
PRP Wine International
Mr. Bryan P. Rozum
Mrs. Audrey H. Rubin
Mrs. Sophia Ruffolo
Ms. Kathleen K. Rummel
Mrs. Cynthia Rynning
Alexandra L. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Skarr
Mr. Ken Slauf
Mr. and Mrs. John Stitzell
Structural Engineers Association of
Suki’s Salon
Suzette’s Creperie
SWAG Golf Co
The Boston Consulting Group
Travel and Transport
ULTA Beauty
Mrs. Dennise Vaughn
Village Links Glen Ellyn
Mark Vrabel
Mr. Matthew W. Walch and Ms.
Sandra Muhlenbeck
Walter E Smithe
Weber Grill Restaurant
Western Utility
Wheaton Drama Inc
Wheaton Garden Club
Wheaton Park District
Whiskey Acres
Ms. Leslie C. Wilson
Kurt Wolbrink
Zurich American Insurance Co.
Kecia Steelman, Chair
Hubert Allen
Erik Barefield
Erica Canzona
Merle Goldblatt Cohen
Marcus Cooper
Tanya Davis
Craig Esko
Graham Gerst
Kristine Givens
Amanda Graveline
Steve Griesemer
Roger Hochschild
Tony Hunter
Kirk James
Ashley Duchossois Joyce
John MacCarthy
John McClure
Jackie McLaughlin
Martha Melman
Peyton Owen
Ginger Pillman
Diana Palomar
Barbara Rapp
Bryan Rozum
Sophia Ruffolo
Nate Schnader
Eileen Scudder
Michael Vardas
Ric Estrada, President & CEO
Maryellen Klang, Co-Chair
Carol White, Co-Chair
Darrin Bacon
Jim Carter
Chris Dabovich
Sharon D’Alessandro
Carol Dimas
Bill Jennrich
Dr. Beth Johnson
Anne Leventry
Eugene Malloy
Greg Meyer
Rae Nevling
Marcie Peterson
Jeff Platt
Paul Pyrcik
Cindy Rynning
Mike Skarr
Pat Whiteside
Leslie Wilson
Rita Lopez Brosnan, Executive Director
Michelle Ramirez, Co-Chair
Robert Regan, Co-Chair
Kevin Aiston
Amanda Amert
Stephen Baskin
Tianne Bataille
Linton Childs
Cameron Findlay
Angela Frye
Craig Griffith
Kyle Harvey
Richard J. Leamy, Jr.
Kevin Lewis
Samera S. Ludwig
Lisa Madigan
Craig Martin
Michael G. McQuillen
Linda K. Myers
Andrew Nordahl
Anna Novoseletsky
Marilyn A. Pearson
Charles “Chip” Peters
Rita Powers
Ron Provenzano
Michael Roche
Ron Safer
Nathaniel Schnader
Leslie Smith
Scott Solberg
Paul Stephens
Doug Stevens
Kristofer Swanson
Anton R. Valukas
Matthew Walch
John Watson
Ric Estrada, President & CEO
Jorge Farr-Aguilar
London Rakestraw
Derrick Taylor
Eric L. Thompson
Michael A. Vardas, Chair
Ashley Duchossois Joyce, Vice Chair
Leslie M. Smith, Secretary
Hubert L. Allen
Erik D. Barefield
Erica J. Borggren
Erica Canzona
Robert C. Carr
Piyush Chaudhari
Julie Chavez
Julia A. Cloud
Merle Goldblatt Cohen
Jennifer Comparoni
Marcus L. Cooper
Timothy S. Crane
Tanya G. Davis
Rebecca S. Eisner
Craig Esko
Michael P. Foradas
C. Gary Gerst
C. Graham Gerst
Steven R. Gilford
James V. Gilliam
Kristine M. Givens
David P. Glatz
David F. Graham
Stephen M. Griesemer
Christy Harris
Wallace W. Harris, Jr.
Kyle L. Harvey
Roger C. Hochschild
R. Thomas Howell
Tony Hunter
W. Kirk James
Ronald Kropp
Jerome N. Krulewitch
John L. MacCarthy
Marilyn Marchetti
Jeanne Marcus
Aleck Matambo
Glenn M. Mazade
Jackie McLaughlin
Martha W. Melman
Toyin Ogun
Emily Ory
Peyton H. Owen, Jr.
Diana Palomar
Steve Patton
Virginia J. Pillman
Daniel F. Rahill
Barbara Rapp
Allen A. Rodriguez
Bryan Rozum
Audrey Rubin
Sophia Ruffolo
Kathleen K. Rummel
Gregory L. Ryan
Lisa Schenkman
Eileen P. Scudder
Laurie F. Shults
Scott W. Simmons
Scott C. Solberg
Byron O. Spruell
Kecia L. Steelman
John Storino
David S. Tropp
Lynn S. Turner
Adrienne Weiss
Kamiar Vossoughi
Debbie K. Wright
Kyle Harvey, Chair
Anna Novoseletsky, Vice Chair
Amanda Amert
Rebecca Weinstein Bacon
Gregory S. Bailey
Tianne Bataille
Benjamin Bard
Jeffrey Bruns
Jonathan C. Bunge
Linton J. Childs
Sara Dasse
Robert B. Ellis
Michael Emmert
Kelly A. Fetzer
Angela Frye
Steven R. Gilford
Steve Grimes
Jennifer Henrikson
Michael C. Kasdin
James A. Morsch
Charles Peters
Rita Powers
Ronald C. Provenzano
Aaron Rice
Michelle Ramirez
Robert J. Regan
Michael P. Roche
Lewis Rosenbloom
Ethan Samson
Leslie M. Smith
Scott Solberg
Douglas Stevens
Pamela Taylor
Matthew W. Walch
Christopher Wilmes
Amanda Graveline, Co-Chair
William Poirier, Co-Chair
Mackenzie Allen, Co-Vice Chair
Nate Schnader, Co–Vice Chair
Blair Anstaett
Arjun Ahluwalia
Daniel Arras
Jessica Beringer
Emily Caldwell
Adam Dauksas
Dan Finnegan
Jim Fox
Shaun Hawkinson
John Holland
Anthony Ivone
Daniel Kach
Marjorie Kennedy
Chris Kuhlman
Wick Lutz
Katy Malek
Brian Paladie
Patrick Peterson
Haviland Rummel
Mike Schilling
Steve Schuster
Laura Sexton
Bhush Shah
Neal Sutton
Peter Van Nortwick
Heather Waller
Chip Wille
Jorge Farr-Aguilar, Co-Chair
Eric L. Thompson, Co-Chair
Bettye Baker-Houston
Jennie Betton
Sonja Brisard
Latoyia Huggins
Reverend Michael D. Jacobs
Steve A. James
Ola B. Kirksey
Dr. Ollie Knight, MSW/ACSW/DHL
Ruby L. Larkin
Paris Lewis
Krishna Lynch
London Rakestraw
Derrick Taylor
Tanya Terry-Cobbin
Dominique Wallace
Liane K. Williams
Associate Board
Pete Gordon
Nadine Harris-Clark
Cheryl Freeman Smith
Dr. Joan Hill
Dr. Kimberly A. Mann
Rhonda Perdue
Leaster J. Robinson-Fonville
LaJewell Thompson
Bill Jennrich, Chair
Patrick Whiteside, Vice Chair & BDSC* Co-Chair
Maryellen Klang, Vice-Chair & Gala Committee Co-Chair
Jody Gauthier, Secretary
Pat Alstrin
April Arnold
Darrin R. Bacon
Thomas J. Carmody
Sara Clark
Sharon R. D’Alessandro, BDSC Co-Chair
Christopher Dabovich
Carol Dimas
Robert G. Gibson
Tom Hutchinson
Beth Johnson
Steve Junk
Anne Leventry
Eugene D. Malloy
Dan McGowan
Mary Beth McLean
Jim McSherry
Gregory A. Meyer
Rae Nevling
Marcie A. Peterson
Jeffrey R. Platt
Paul P. Pyrcik, Jr., BAC** Chair
Cindy Rynning
Gina Sharp
Michael Skarr, Campaign to
Mpower Families Chair
Reji Tharakan
Dennise Vaughn
Greg Vesta
Carol White, Gala Committee
Leslie Wilson
Associate Board
Faiz Ahmed
Matthew Allgood
Alexander (Sandy) Allison
Larry Carroll
Jim Carter
Robert Christie
Ryanne Dent
Pete DiCianni
Tim Elliott
Steve Gonzalez
Dan Gorsky
Michael Gresk
Randall Hultgren
Robert Hutchinson
Joseph Imburgia
Nick Keseric
Dean Leffelman
Glenn Mazade
Charles McKenna
Carl Neumann
Frank Pecora
Ed Perez
Sally Porter
Susan Rose
Daniel Schuchardt
Kim Stapleton
Pamela Sharar-Stoppel
John Stitzell
Terrence Taylor
Michael Thorpe
*BDSC - Board Development and
Stewardship Committee
**BAC - Board Advancement
Faiz Ahmed
Matthew Allgood
Alexander (Sandy) Allison
Larry Carroll
Jim Carter
Robert Christie
Ryanne Dent
Pete DiCianni
Tim Elliott
Steve Gonzalez
Dan Gorsky
Michael Gresk
Randall Hultgren
Robert Hutchinson
Joseph Imburgia
Nick Keseric
Dean Leffelman
Glenn Mazade
Charles McKenna
Carl Neumann
Frank Pecora
Ed Perez
Sally Porter
Susan Rose
Daniel Schuchardt
Kim Stapleton
Pamela Sharar-Stoppel
John Stitzell
Terrence Taylor
Michael Thorpe
John Mead
Mi Balderas
John Haben
Janelle Octavia Silva
Michael Yohanan
Simon Yohanan
Joseph Zoeller
Harry Meyer, Chair
Christine (Tina) James
Manny Jimenez
Dave Leeney
Daniel Loftus
Jesus Magana
Michele Mazurek
Camille Odeh
Anne Panomitros
Carina E. Sánchez, Chair
Maggie Antillon-Mathews
Maribel Arroyo
George Borovik
Dr. Ana Gil Garcia
Christian Gutierrez
Eric B. Lugo
Alberto Ortega
Patricia Rodriguez
Michael Sobczak
Shirley Carter, Chair
Da Lina Bailey
Tevonne Ellis
Nicole Garcia
Loraine Moreno
Laurentino Ramirez
Maritza Reyes
Xavier Thompson
John Land
Gil Rynberg
Jean Xoubi
